This Think Tank intends to explore the role of creative production within the development of the competitive edge of any given city, region or country and the potential importance of leadership, and commerciality within the cultural sector, considering Transforma and Torres Vedras as case studies.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

TTT timetable

20th and 21st October 2006
Transforma AC in Torres Vedras, Portugal
Transforma Think Tank is especially adressed to creative practitioners, art policy makers especially performance, combined arts, public art, urbanism sector, brand owners especially property developers, art commissioners, specialist media, creative industries in general, students.

Day 1 (20th Friday)

09h00_Welcome coffee (Transforma)

09h30 _TTT welcome + working schedule (Michael DACOSTA)
TTT presentations 20 slides max each participant, 30 seconds per slide = ten minute presentation

09h40 > 11h15 _ guests TTT presentations (20 slides max, 30 seconds per slide )

11h15 > 11h30 _ Coffee-Break

11h30 > 13h00 _ guests TTT presentations (20 slides max, 30 seconds per slide )

13h30 > 15h00 _ Lunch followed by Guided Tour of city by Luis Firmo president of Transforma

15h30 > 17h30 _TTT Workshop 0

18h00 > 19h30 _ Transforma presentation + Discussing workshop Themes /Thinking Space

22h00 _Performance EUROVISION by Teatro Praga (pt)

Day 2 (21st Saturday)

09h00_Welcome coffee (Transforma)

09h15 > 11h00_TTT Workshop 1

11h00 > 11h15_Coffee-Break

11h15 > 13h15 _ TTT Workshop 2 + Group Summaries/ Main Findings

End of Transforma Think Tank

13h30 > 15h00_Exclusive VIP Lunch and key note speech introduced by Transforma Think Tank facilitator Michael DACOSTA

Transforma Think Tank post lunch key note speeches made by:

Dingeman KUILMAN (Premsela Foundation)

and Scott BURNHAM (Urbis Museum)

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